Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Abused Daughter-In-Law

Irrespective of religion, caste or creed, a daughter-in-law is psychologically, physically and financially abused, because of these main reasons.

The main reason for evil is the lack of acceptance of a daughter-in-law as part of the family. Families keep daughter-in-law out of discussions pertaining to family matters. Husband and his parents, talk secretly in a room while the daughter-in-law is made to watch TV, because she is an "outsider".
The really ironic part is that, these people can give amazing views on untouchability, and yet they treat their daughter-in-law as one, in their own home!

Parents of the Husband are so insecure, that they are often seen lamenting that "that women took away our son". It's time to accept it that parents in general are selfish, so let's keep the "selfless love tag aside". They "invest" time, money, and love on a son, so he can repay by taking care of them in their old-age. The finer print to this is, they expect him to behave like an obedient 5-year old kid till they die! They just get insecure when he starts to take his own decisions. Decisions that will revolve around his "selfishness" for his own family.
Have these parents ever heard of the saying, "What you throw into the universe comes back to you magnified!!"

Adjustment phase is the time, it takes the mind to adjust into a new environment.
Adjustment Phase Disorder (or Adjustment Disorder) is very high levels of sadness, fear, depression and anxiety that one suffers, if the adjustment phase fails. In great majority of cases this disorder requires medicines for cure.
The adjustment phase for daughter-in-law, would be anywhere between 1 - 2 years. But contrast to this, so called PROGRESSIVE HOUSEHOLDS give only a month or maximum two to their daughter-in-law. And the hardest part is that, during this time no one guides her, she has to learn on her own.
Statistically speaking, failure of adjustment phase leads the brain of many ladies into clinical levels of depression and anxiety - this is manifested as fear, sadness, anger and irritation.
TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY - the Indian households, the parents of the Husband, take care of this depression and anxiety by seeping in the IDIOTIC idea "HAVE A CHILD, EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE!!" No doubt we have reached 1.3 billion, and mental health illness is growing exponentially every year!!

Everyone loves the dark side. It doesn't matter how rich or powerful one is, dark side always attracts them. It takes a lot of inner strength to stand against the Regressive thought process of the society.
In general, mother-in-laws treat their daughter-in-laws like "slaves". They decide on her daily routine, feel pride in giving her "holidays" and hand over a list of things she "demands" her parents to provide.
All this Stupidity is done in the name of "SOCIAL RULES".
Hardly a marginal percentage of people stand against this. Why?
The Dark Side is so very attractive and it is so very easy to like the negative.
Remember in childhood we were taught, "Bad habits come easily and are very difficult to go!"
It is so natural to like the Dark Side, and as a Big Joke, everyone prays to God for more of it!!!

Husband is still a boy, not a man. Most men take a lot of time to mature. Maturity isn't related to physical age, but is related to the mental outlook. Most men behave as small boys, who are happy outsourcing their responsibilities to their parents.
A great number of men find marriage a legal way to have sex, someone to talk to and roam around with.
Most don't have the maturity to understand the emotional and social responsibility they have towards their wife.
Most are not ready to accept the changes that life demands once they get married.
Most men cannot stand up to their mother or father and fight for their wife. But they have one great trait, they create amazing "excuses" to run away from their responsibilities.

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