Sunday, December 27, 2015

Letter To Soulmate

Dear Soulmate

I don't know where you are, but I know you exist. I feel you in my heart and I see you in my dreams. Only once in our life, we find someone who can completely turn our world around, I believe you're that one for me. I want to be the one with whom you would share things that you never shared with another soul, and believe me I would absorb everything you say and would actually want to hear more. I want you to share your dreams with me that will never come true, your goals that were never achieved, and many disappointments life has thrown at you, and I promise I won't make fun of you, I will comfort you and share my portion of disappointments with you.

I want our love to be so deep that when something wonderful happens, I couldn't wait to tell you about it, knowing that you will share in my excitement and would be happy for me.

I won't be embarrassed to cry with you, when you're hurt, or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. I won't ever hurt your feelings, or make you feel like you're not good enough. Rather, I would build you up and show you things about yourself that would make you feel special and beautiful.

There will never be any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when we will be with each other. You will be yourself and I will be myself, and not a worry as to what others think of us, as we love each other for who we are, and all that matters to us is that we are with each other for who we actually are.

A note to each other, a song dedication, a walk in the street, are some of the insignificant things for most people. But to us, these will be invaluable treasure of feelings kept safe in our hearts to cherish forever.

Memories of childhood will come back to us when we will have our kids, they will be so clear and vivid that we will be kids once again, everything will seem to celebrate our love, colours will become more brighter, seasons will become more brilliant, and we will be more in love with each other.

When we will be having tough day at work, a call or message from the other one will be enough to get us through the day and bring a sweet smile that will linger on our lips for the rest of the day. Laughter that was once very infrequent will become a part of our daily life.

When we will be with each other, there will be no need for continuous conversation, we will be more than content in just having each other nearby.

Things that were once mundane, boring and uninteresting for me, will suddenly become special for me, as they will be important for you. I will think of you in every occasion and in everything I do. Even the simplest things like pale blue sky, gentle wind, or even a storm cloud on the horizon will make me miss you.

I have been hurt in love, I have closed my heart for so long. But, I have realised that being vulnerable is the only way to allow our heart to feel the true pleasure of love. My only strength is in knowing that one day I will have you in my life, you who will love me till the end of the eternity and beyond, you who will be my best friend, you who is my soulmate.

Sometimes I gaze up at the stars, and I feel comforted because I know somewhere you're staring upon the same sparkling stars searching for me. Often while watching the moon, I become lost in thoughts of you and I, and the life we will someday share.

Will today be the day you find me?

All my Love
Your Soulmate


  1. Awwwww that's so cute, whosoever will be your soulmate she'll indeed be very lucky and blessed to having someone as loving as you in her life. May you find her soon.

  2. Beautifully expressed the ur concept of life.....n it's almost the perfect dream of an individual.
