Love is a prayer of God.
Love is a festival of hearts.
Love is a garden of roses.
Love is selfless and divine.
Love is sky of dawning Sun.
Love is free falling waterfall.
Love is tranquilizer for pain.
Love is selfless and divine.
Love is inhaling your name with every breath.
Love is having your image in my eyes forever.
Love is selfless and divine.
You are my love.
You are my sole identity.
You are the reason for my existence.
Let love settle down between us.
You are my selfless and divine love.
You are present in my mornings.
You make my evenings worth.
You are my selfless and divine love.
Every path I take, leads to you.
Every destination I reach, is you.
You are my path, you are my destination.
You are my selfless and divine love.
Let your love consume me and transform me from coal to a diamond.
Make me see ahead of my desires and make you my reality.
You are my selfless and divine love.
When I think about you, everything seems so promising,
When I don't find you around, world seems so lonely.
You are my selfless and divine love.
Hold my hand, I'll never leave it.
Be with me, I'll never leave you.
You are my selfless and divine love.
Talk to me, I'll make you fall in love with me.
Stay with me for a while, you will love me.
You are my selfless and divine love.
My name touched your lips.
I am swelled with your love.
My love for you is selfless and divine.
Where will I go without you ?
Will God exist without our love?
My home is where ever you are.
My love for you is selfless and divine.
Separate my heart from my life.
Let me become one with you.
My love for you is selfless and divine.
I don't want to stay apart from you.
I want to become one with you.
I am your selfless and divine love.
This one is dedicated to the person I love most in this world. Also, this is dedicated to all the persons who want to tell their loved ones, how much they love them.