Oh my love!
My eyes are filled with tears, whenever I think of you.
My heart hurts, when it don't finds you around.
Oh my love!
Please tell me, how shall I live without you?
Please show me, the path of living without you.
Oh my love!
If I could, I would have stopped loving you, but I am helpless.
If there was someone else like you, I would not have ruined myself.
Oh my love!
My heart is calling your name and my eyes are waitin to see you again.
My lips met your name and my soul left me in search of yours.
Oh my love!
Why you broke my heart, with that loud thud?
Why you took away my life, when I searched for you all my life?
Oh my love!
Firstly God got mad at me, and now you are angry with me.
I am lost without you, come back and give meaning to my life.
Oh my love!
Keeping my hand on my heart, I have cried away my nights for you.
Although we are distant from each other, but our hearts will never get separated.
Oh my love!
I'll wait for you, till the very end.
I am incomplete without you.
Oh my love!
I can't think of anyone other than you.
I am hopelessly in love with you.
This one is for the love of my life, I hope she finds her way back soon.