Love is painful, but the pain is certainly a blessing. Love is painful because love brings growth. Love demands, transforms and is painful because love gives us a new birth.
Love brings our heart into relationship and when the heart is in relationship there is always pain. If we avoid the pain, we will miss LOVE, we will miss all the pleasures of life. With love we become human, we harness all the feelings, its love which makes us more than just empty shell.
With love, there are problems, but with problems comes growth, the greater the problem, the greater is the growth and the greater will be the oppotunity. More and more pain too.
That's why many people never love - it is so painful. They never feel true life, they never the reality of life, and some quit love agter having it, because it is very much painful.
Love never shatters us completely, it shatters us a little bit, a little bit more.It shatters the crust of our ego, but the centre of ego remains intact. If ego swells, it kills love, that's why if in a relation, individuality becomes more superior than collective conscience, the relation don't survives and results in break ups and divorces. then there is a pain, deeper than love, and it shatters us completely, it is then when we come in contact with our innerself, and starts developing. When we have learnt how to love, and we have learnt that the pain that love brings is a blessing in disguise, then we become content and we take another step - that is getting in touch with ourselves and knowing ourselves.
All lovers feel a little miserable. We would like to disappear completely, but it is not possible while we are in the society and when we don't understand ourselves completely. We learn from our relations, and grow, but when we are hurt we try to establish a link with ourselves and that link leads to an ultimate understanding, which leads us to the greater good of ourselves and society as a whole.
Love makes us ready to take the final jump, the quantum leap. This leap can be a self realization of our capabilities, our dreams, our ambitions or also this can be the strength to face d world for our love. We have to disappear for existence to be. Love is a training ground, a school, to learn first lessons - of life, of beauty, of trust, of truth, of understanding and of PAIN.
So when in love, or when love arises, cooperate with it, don't try resisting, resisting is futile and foolish. People often come to a compromise in love, compromising in love is like, "Don't hurt me and I will not hurt you", another stupid excuse for people with weak hearts to walk off from a relation. Be strong if you are in love, take the first step, have the courage and love will take all the remaining steps, but the condition is that first step is yours to make and in the journey you will have to be strong. The basic problem is that lovers by abd by come to a compromise. Pain develops us, and if we will run away from pain we can't develop and if we are not developing, then carving for love will die and the human inside us will die.
When we are in love, it hurts. And it hurts terribly. We should never resist ir, we should never create a barrier for pain, we should allow it. And by and by we will realise that it was a wrong interpretation. It is not really pain. It is kust that something is going on so deep in us that we interpret it as pain. We are onlu aware of pain our past life, when love was not there, and when its penetrating deep, we interpret it as pain.
We should not use the word 'pain'. When love and love's arrow goes deep into our heart, we should close our eyes, and feel it, and then we will never see it as pain. We will see it is a benediction. We will be tremendously moved by it. We will feel joyous.
Don't be afraid if something is penetrating deep, and also don't interpret that as pain. If we will resist everything thats deep and create a barrie then we will never experience true love, which is deepest of all feelings and the best of all feelings too. Shun the fear, let love penetrate deeper and deeper and let the joy rule.